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Acceptance is for the Weak.


Okay, fine. I guess I *will* have to accept that winter is here and I will reluctantly bring in my patio furniture.

This time of year is hard for many of us. We simply just want to hibernate and/or run away to a beach and live on coconut juice.

I think this means it’s time for me to crank up another Winter Resolution series, eh? Want to join me? I could sure use some company to keep up my morale!


  1. I have grown up and lived in the north my whole life and I still can’t accept winter. As a kid I did like to go sledding (not the snowmobile kind, the crazy carpet kind). But getting up that hill now, it takes a lot of effort. LOL!

  2. Oh, I love you Julie, and I will cheer you on – but no. My one resolution for winter is Come Out Alive on the Other Side. :)

  3. Every year since I moved to Ottawa (1998), I have intended to skate the entire Rideau Canal – all 15K (or whatever) it. I never have. Perhaps if you were to join me, I’d actually do it this year. What do you think? I’ll supply the handwarmers.

  4. this made me smile! it was such an up and down November! I’m sure you were out there on your patio that weekend it was plus ten! crazy!!

  5. That is a nice looking backyard Julie! We’ll have to make a habit of sitting out there while sipping some fruity beverages next summer. In the meantime, we should get some gals together, pick a fun or cheesy TV series and watch it when time permits. It’s something that can help distract us from the cold winter days. I resolve to have a fun, friend filled winter!

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