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Litterless Lunches: Top Picks for Teens

It’s no surprise that teens are going to have different lunch needs than a younger child. For one, they need a lot more food!

But interestingly enough, I am finding that my own teen, despite a voracious appetite, tends to graze throughout the day when she’s at school. When I asked her why, she explained that they weren’t given a lot of time to eat and that snacks must be grabbed quickly from a locker in between classes (where they have only 3 minutes to move from one class to the next).

So, in addition to the general factors that go into deciding on litterless lunch tools, the teen’s situation tends to be:

  • Only one sit-down time to eat: lunch hour
  • Lunch hour in a cafeteria lets you heat your meals up in microwaves
  • Other times to eat are stolen in between classes when grabbing books from your locker
  • Teens enjoy making lunch as much as I do (which is to say, not very much), so they’ll grab whatever is easiest from the fridge or cupboard. This means that leftovers from the night before are a popular choice, and not necessarily a sandwich. It also means that microwaveable containers are also key.
  • In the rush to get out the door, they will often neglect to pack items from all the food groups. Divided dishes can provide a memory cue (in addition to parental nagging :)).
  • Last but not least, far less room in the backpack for lunch because of all the books, binders, and in some cases, devices.

With this in mind, I am suggesting two different top picks for teens than those I picked for elementary school-aged kids. They are:

#1: Sistema KLIP IT collection of containers

This New Zealand-based company has been at the safe food storage game for a long time — 30 years now. A huge selection of KlipIt containers are available, and I am recommending a few that seem particularly handy in the photos below.

Ideal for snacking: the Sistema KlipIt Split ($7.00)

Ideal for snacking: the Sistema KlipIt Split ($7.00)

Here’s some pros about this product line:

  • BPA- and Phthalate-free
  • microwaveable (with lids removed) and do not leach
  • dishwasher safe (but top shelf is recommended)
  • stackable, for easier storage
  • manufacturing facilities are in New Zealand (not outsourced)
  • incredible variety of containers available, to suit every possible need
  • these containers will fit into any type of lunch bag

A con?

  • Tomato-based sauces have the potential to stain the containers
KlipIt 2pk of Yogurt-to-Go ($14.00)

Leak Proof: Sistema KlipIt 2pk of Yogurt-to-Go ($14.00)

Where to buy this product?

  • Terra20 sells a full Sistema line of products, available in-store and online.
  • Prices range from $5.50 to $25.00, and until the end of August, you can save when you buy more than one container at a time (details in image below)


#2: Fuel Bento Lunch Box

The Fuel line of products is made by Canadian company Trudeau with the teen and young adult in mind. Its styling is sleek and modern, and I find the Bento Box particularly practical, so that’s what I’ve recommended here, but there is a wide selection to choose from.


Here’s some pros about the Fuel Bento Box Lunch:

  • BPA- and Phthalate-free
  • microwaveable (with lids removed)
  • lifetime warranty
  • the long, flat shape is easy to slide into an already-full teen’s backpack
  • multi-functional, can suit many different types of food (see image below)
  • Family-owned, Canadian company

A con?

  • must be handwashed
So many configurations! Fuel Bento Box Lunch, $20.50

So many configurations! Fuel Bento Box Lunch ($20.50)

Where to buy this product?

So, there you have it — my top two litterless lunch picks for teens. Are you surprised? What do you like or not like about these options?

Disclosure: Terra20 is remunerating me for the time spent to write these litterless lunch posts. I was not given any specific editorial direction nor any products, and I’m free to share my opinions–good, bad, and otherwise.


  1. We are trying the Sistema products this year. i hope they work as good as they look!

  2. I have an entire army or Sistema containers. Both for myself and my Grade 1 kid (only two packing lunches). They work wonderfully!

  3. I find the line ups at the microwaves usually make heating up next to impossible. The grazing is EXACTLY what I have found the last few years. (Heading into grade 10. How did I get so old?) Heading to Terra 20 this week to check out containers suitable for grazing. And wraps. Lol

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