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Monday Moments: Change

This blog post was prompted by Capital Mom and her “Monday Moments” project. This Monday’s theme is “change.”

By the time I was nine I had lived in three different provinces and spent a year overseas. These were exciting, positive years. And I think that’s why the word change is ingrained in me as an exciting and positive thing.

As child, I didn’t have any control over these changes. And most research will tell that change is easier when you can have some control over it — that it’s not thrust upon you. That, in the very least, you can have some influence over what shape or form it will take.

But I’m not so sure about that. While I can say that I love change, and spend my dreaming hours thinking of future changes, I have to admit that change is really hard on me.  Not the actual change in and of itself. Rather, it’s the work required to get to that point of change.

There are just so many choices in life … how does one pick the right change? Now, that is hard.

The choices can plague me. My mind will spin around in cycle after cycle, without ever coming to a clean stop. Always wondering what outcome will one change bring versus another. Or how will this change not only affect me, but others around me. It’s exhausting.

And that’s how some people end up sitting still, I think. Never changing. The responsibility for a change wears heavy on the mind and the body. And right now, for me, sitting still sounds rather lovely.


  1. There is nothing wrong with sitting still.  Most days I feel like change is over-rated but that’s usually after I’ve made a change and am feeling overwhelmed 😉  I’ll sit still with you.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I talk about how much I like to sit still and yet it would seem at every chance I create change – I can’t help myself 😉

  3. Capital Mom says:

    The idea that the change has to be “right” is so paralysing. I am trying to remember that no decision is wrong. It is always right at the time. And then I try to remember that times change.

    Thanks for joining in today Julie!

  4. THere is a season for it…change used to come pretty easily to me – new jobs, new experiences, new places to live…but these days change doesn’t appeal quite the same way, and I’m more than content to sit on the porch on a summer’s eve and let the sameness of the days unfold. Perhaps it is the time of life where stability is where I am most comfortable. Not that changes don’t happen, just that I am not looking for “new” in quite the same way.

    • Hi Denise – do you think this comfort with stability comes with age? Or is
      it from reaching a certain point in our lives where we are too happy to risk
      the change?

  5. THere is a season for it…change used to come pretty easily to me – new jobs, new experiences, new places to live…but these days change doesn’t appeal quite the same way, and I’m more than content to sit on the porch on a summer’s eve and let the sameness of the days unfold. Perhaps it is the time of life where stability is where I am most comfortable. Not that changes don’t happen, just that I am not looking for “new” in quite the same way.

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