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My own personal BOLO

As I drove home from Blog Out Loud Ottawa, I had the summer wind whipping through the car and the music on high. And something strange happened; I started to cry. But it wasn’t a bad cry. It was a good cry, if you know what I mean.

I think it was a release of sorts. Because, truth be told, I’ve had a tough time adapting to life back in Ottawa after a year away in Australia. It’s something I don’t dare to say out loud, for fear of offending my dear friends and family here. But there it is.

Life in Australia was exciting, busy and fun. I lived in, comparatively speaking, a mansion and had few responsibilities on my plate for the entire year. I also made some deep friendships that I miss terribly. Oh, and did I mention I also gave birth to the most darling little boy there too? I mean, really, poor ol’ Ottawa had no hope of living up to Australia. It sure didn’t help that I returned in the bitter cold of January, either.

But this “coffee with julie” blog has really made a difference to me. It’s a new and exciting project, and it provides a much-needed creative outlet. My family doesn’t quite get this “blogging thing,” but at BOLO, everyone did. We were a community of our own making. Ottawa bloggers. And I was so happy to have been welcomed into it.

BOLO feels like it was a turning point for me. A turn back to my Ottawa, my home, my community.

If you’d like to read the posts from BOLO, please do! They are a great mix of life stories that include first loves, true loves, mothering angst, depression, and some awesome bits of twisted humour. Thanks again Lynn!  


  1. It was such a pleasure to meet you. (And I dare say I very much related to your post.)

    It’s such a wonderful community, I’ve made some good friends. Lynn is such a gem for organizing this.

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog Julie and leaving my such kind words. I’m just glad I didn’t make a comeplte arse of myself.

    It’s amazing how many people showed up and I totally get you on the community feel. I just wish I was feeling more myself and was able to go and introduce myself to more people. Well, there is always getting to know everyone virtually over the next year and shaking hands and giving hugs at the 2nd annual BOLO.

    And my family would never understand this whole blogging thing either. So I just chose not to tell them! 😉

  3. I can relate to how you feel. Readjusting to life after being away is very difficult.
    Good luck with everything!

  4. Im so glad to hear you are doing great and feeling connected…Im not sure I like what it implies for Wollongong but we cant have everything. LOVE.xx

  5. Well… We like you! We really like you!

    (No really, we do)

  6. Dude, I hear you. Reverse culture shock is only slightly more pleasant than getting your tongue stuck on a frozen metal post in January. Nothing ever tastes the same afterwards.

    Steady the course. Such things are meant to be life-changing, after all.

  7. what did you end up reading? last time we chatted, you hadn’t decided.

    and i understand! and i’m your family, just really far away.


  8. what did you end up reading? last time we chatted, you hadn’t decided.

    and i understand! i’m family, just really far away.


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