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Search Results for: month of me

How do you feel about Sigg now?

About a month and a half ago, I wrote this post "Sigg: not so super, after all?" I don't get attached to brands much, but somehow I had developed an affection for my Sigg. The news that Sigg's original liners had been made with BPA felt like a sneaky little trick had been played on me. Sure, I understand that the company says it never claimed its liners were not made of BPA, but rather that its liners didn't leach BPA. (I wanted to provide you … [Read more...]

Spreading the joy

We're all sick here. Yucky, nose-dripping, achy-type annoying sick. Not the real serious, barfy, feverish, gonna-die sick. And as much I would like to wallow in it, there are deadlines, lunches to be made, and heads to be shampooed. In other words, life goes on. But it gets tricky when you really want to see a friend. Do I risk spreading my contagion to them? For instance, I haven't seen my best friend for weeks and we're scheduled to spend … [Read more...]

Let's Panic!

Oh my! I can barely write I am laughing so hard at this new website launched by mommy-blogger Alice Bradley of Finslippy fame, and her co-hort in tongue-in-cheek-crime Eden Kennedy. Although I'd seen Bradley before from Momversations, I hadn't come across Kennedy as of yet. You can immediately get a feel for Kennedy's humour style though by visiting her blog yogabeans, where her son's action figures demonstrate ashtanga yoga. These two women … [Read more...]

Sometimes the best birthday present for your Mom isn’t a present afterall (or a night out in Ottawa: Allium restaurant and Lynne Hanson CD-release concert)


Lately, I'm finding it tough to pick out gifts for my Mom. It's not that she's picky or hard to find things for ... it's just that I feel like she already has the things she really wants. With all four of her birds out of the nest, she has the freedom to buy the things that catch her eye. So for her birthday this year, I decided that I'd take her out for a night on the town. To come up with ideas, I did what now comes natural to me -- I asked … [Read more...]

Pokemon Room: The Big Reveal

real sheets

Mother finally came through with the Pokemon room! I am super-mom, hear me roar! Well, at least that's how I feel. We're not big on decorating around here. And, decorating according to the theme of a Nintendo character? Yikes. Don't tell anyone, okay? You might recall that when I made this promise, the room was to be completed for the end of October. Stella had entirely given up on her mother and her mother's ability to fulfill promises. … [Read more...]

One year of blogging

This month marks my first-year bloggy-versary. When I first started blogging one year ago, I didn't -- and couldn't -- have known what to expect. But BOLO left me feeling very optimistic about it all. It seems that blogging is one of those things that, like becoming a parent, you just have to do it order to really understand it. And although I have a much better understanding now than I did one year ago, I still have so much learning to do. … [Read more...]

NYC’s Bowery District


I haven't found a home for this article, so I thought I'd share it on my blog. Perhaps it will entice you to take a long weekend in New York's Bowery district? If you do ... please come back and tell us all about your adventure! Hubby and I have been desperate to run off for a weekend in NYC again, but I've already booked the grandparents in to babysit as part of my Winter Resolution, so I may be pushing my luck to expect two weekends sans … [Read more...]

Skin cancer doesn’t happen in Canada, does it?

When you live in Australia, as we did just recently, you very quickly realize how seriously they take their sun protection. The combination of a light-skinned population with prolonged sun exposure leaves Australians at real risk. The risk is so high, in fact, that according to its Cancer Council two in every three Australians will develop skin cancer before the age of 70. More than 440,000 Australians are diagnosed with skin cancer every year … [Read more...]

I giggled and stomped, but the cup just kept laughing!

There's so much happening around Ottawa that I think one can be forgiven for missing out on even something as fantastic as the NAC's Kinderconcert series. It seems this series is one well-kept secret; one that -- happily -- I have now stumbled upon! Here's what I found when I attended my first Kinderconcert, titled Giggle & Stomp ... Before the show: there were fun interactive activities and displays set up for the children to enjoy. My … [Read more...]

A Blogger’s 2009 in Review

Like a fun game of tag, I am going to follow after Andrea and do a Blogger's 2009 in Review. Here’s what you do. Just take the first line of the first post of every month and repost them in one big post. I started blogging in June of this year (and already changed the layout 3 times!). So here's how mine reads ... June: I know the lawn needs mowing. July: I Am Canadian. August: Writers are always on the hunt for ways to improve their … [Read more...]

Jamaica 101

Stella, my 9-year-old daughter, and I are going to Jamaica next week. I know ... awesome, right?! We are really excited, despite the realization that we actually know very little about this country. So, won't you join us as we teach ourselves a touch of geography, history, and social studies? Where in the world? First of all, the WHERE! Below is map showing the island of Jamaica in red. From our home town of Ottawa, if you were to catch … [Read more...]

4 Cats Arts Studio Masterpiece: Final Reveal


Remember this big ol' mess that my girlfriends and I made at 4 Cats Hintonburg to celebrate my 40th birthday? It was my party, and I just wanted to wear sweatpants and have a few laughs with my girlfriends. But, believe it or not, in the photo above we were actually creating a special masterpiece just for me, the birthday girl! After it was all said and done, I had our creation stretched onto canvas by 4 Cats ($75 fee). I am so happy I … [Read more...]